We are Rondy Enterprises. We are manufacturer representatives for high-end GPS, safety and food preparation equipment, based in the Pacific Northwest. Our guy in charge, Roger Hurst, has over 30 years of sales experience and has spent the last 20 as a full-on outdoor enthusiast. Whether he’s on a week-long survival hike by himself, motorcyling with his youngest son Bryan, teaching (or being taught by) his daughter Logan how to make great food on his Coleman stove or taking his wife Wendy on hikes, Roger both sells and uses the products he represents.
This site, created with the help of his oldest son Tyler, is a place for those in the industry to be informed about best practices, be wary of pitfalls and, as long as Roger doesn’t hurt himself, chronicles of his outdoor activities.
Everyone here at Rondy Enterprises thanks you for stopping by, and we look forward to working with you.
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